luteohormone - translation to ρωσικά
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luteohormone - translation to ρωσικά

Endometrin; Progesterones; Pregn-4-ene-3,20-dione; Pregnene-3,20-dione
  • [[Micrograph]] showing changes to the [[endometrium]] due to progesterone ([[decidualization]]) [[H&E stain]].
  • doi-access=free}}</ref>
  • The Marker [[semisynthesis]] of progesterone from [[diosgenin]].<ref name="Marker1940"/>
  • The Johnson total synthesis of progesterone.<ref name="pmid5131151"/>
  • doi-access=free}}</ref>
<small><br />• The ranges denoted '''By biological stage''' may be used in closely monitored menstrual cycles in regard to other markers of its biological progression, with the time scale being compressed or stretched to how much faster or slower, respectively, the cycle progresses compared to an average cycle.
<br />• The ranges denoted '''Inter-cycle variability''' are more appropriate to use in non-monitored cycles with only the beginning of menstruation known, but where the woman accurately knows her average cycle lengths and time of ovulation, and that they are somewhat averagely regular, with the time scale being compressed or stretched to how much a woman's average cycle length is shorter or longer, respectively, than the average of the population.
<br />• The ranges denoted '''Inter-woman variability''' are more appropriate to use when the average cycle lengths and time of ovulation are unknown, but only the beginning of menstruation is given.</small>
  •  s2cid = 524952 }}</ref> The horizontal lines are the mean integrated levels for each curve. The vertical line is mid-cycle.
  • A sample of progesterone.
  • doi-access=free}}</ref>
  •  archive-date = 2012-04-15 }}</ref>



гормон жёлтого тела




гормон жёлтого тела



общая лексика

bioch. прогестерон



progesterone noun bioch. прогестерон


¦ noun Biochemistry a steroid hormone released by the corpus luteum that stimulates the uterus to prepare for pregnancy.
1930s: blend of progestin and the Ger. synonym Luteosteron (from corpus luteum + sterol).



Progesterone (P4) is an endogenous steroid and progestogen sex hormone involved in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and embryogenesis of humans and other species. It belongs to a group of steroid hormones called the progestogens and is the major progestogen in the body. Progesterone has a variety of important functions in the body. It is also a crucial metabolic intermediate in the production of other endogenous steroids, including the sex hormones and the corticosteroids, and plays an important role in brain function as a neurosteroid.

In addition to its role as a natural hormone, progesterone is also used as a medication, such as in combination with estrogen for contraception, to reduce the risk of uterine or cervical cancer, in hormone replacement therapy, and in feminizing hormone therapy. It was first prescribed in 1934.

Μετάφραση του &#39luteohormone&#39 σε Ρωσικά